Students Skills Enrichment Board
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10th December, 2020
Completion of MCS Course and Advanced IT Course through Virtual Mode as one time measure for students appearing for November 2021 Final course exam
In view of the ongoing spurt of COVID-19 virus pandemic and subsequent suspension of IT and Soft Skills Classes all across the country, the competent authority has decided that the students of November 2021 Final course, as one time measure, can undergo MCS and Advanced IT Course through Virtual Mode, to be conducted by the respective regional and branch offices of ICAI.
The portal for undergoing Virtual MCS/Adv.IT is LIVE. Students are required to visit www.icaionlineregistration.org or contact the respective branch for registration in launched batches.
The virtual mode will be available till 31st March, 2021. Thereafter, on reviewing the pandemic situation, physical classes can be organized as per the guidelines issued by the competent authority.
The detailed guidelines for students undergoing MCS/Adv.IT courses through online mode can be viewed in the link given below:
Students Skills Enrichment Board, BOS (Operations)
Read Also: ICAI rescheduled CA Foundation exam 1st paper

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