ICAI Announcement on Postponed CA exams
In compliance with the Order No. DDMA.403(GR-Relief Ops)CHR/2022-23/79 dated 18th May 2022 of the Office of Deputy Commissioner, District Disaster Management Authority, Silchar directing all the Educational Institutions to remain closed for the next 48 hours due to ongoing floods, it has been decided by the competent authority to postpone Final Examination, Group I, Paper 3, Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics & Intermediate Examination, Group I, Paper 3, Cost and Management Accounting scheduled to be held on 19th and 20th, May 2022 respectively at Silchar (Assam) Examination Centre only.
The new date(s) for the aforesaid examinations at Silchar (Assam) Examination Centre shall be announced in due course. It is also clarified that the schedule of Final and Intermediate Examinations announced vide Announcement No. 13-CA(Exam)/M/2022 dated 21st January 2022 in respect of all other papers / cities shall remain unchanged.
The Candidates are advised to note the above and stay in touch with the website of the Institute, www.icai.org.

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