CA Exams: The Election Commission of India through its press conference held on 25th September 2020 has announced Schedule of General Election to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bihar whereby election to the State of Bihar is to be held on 28th October, 3rd November and 7th November 2020. Chartered Accountant Examinations, November 2020 are also scheduled to be held during 1st to 18th November 2020.
The CA Students who have opted for the examination Centre from the State of Bihar and other stake holders may please note that the Institute has taken note of the schedule of Election and shall take needful appropriate steps to ensure interests of its students appearing from the examination Centres from the State of Bihar.
Please remain in touch with the official website of the Institute www.icai.org for further announcement in this regard.
Read Also: CA Exams November 2020 timetable announced by ICAI

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