Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10th November, 2020
Sub: Inviting suggestions for improvement in functioning of MCA-21 E-Governance Portal.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has taken up to build a new MCA21 v3 system – upgraded version of MCA- 21 portal to enable easy and secure access of MCA services. It is expected to be filled with latest features and technology. The core objectives of MCA21 v3 system are promoting automation, integration with external regulatory, and to aid ‘ease of doing business’.
In this regard, the Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee of ICAI desires to capture the issues that are being faced by the stakeholders pertaining to MCA 21. The issues will be forwarded to MCA to be looked into while developing the new version-3 of MCA-21 E-Governance Portal.
We request you to kindly give your suggestions through the below provided link by 30th November, 2020:
Chairman and Vice Chairman
Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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