In order to facilitate EPF subscribers, EPFO has launched one more e-initiative i.e., Aadhaar based e – nomination. The physical filing of nomination is done through submission of ‘Form 2(Revised)’, now with the launch of e-nomination facility, members themselves can file their nomination online, using this e-Nomination facility available in member portal.
The URL is https://unifiedportalmem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
This facility can be availed by EPF Members if their mobile number is linked with UAN and the Aadhaar verification is also complete. The registration process is quite user friendly and all members are advised to file their e-nomination at the earliest. A readily available e-nomination in the system enables members/ beneficiaries to easily file online Pension Claim and in the event of the demise to the member his/her nominee will be able to file an online claim based on the OTP on his/her Aadhaar Linked Mobile. One doesn’t need to apply with any physical document to the employer or ex-employer after the online nomination is done.
Read also: EPF Withdrawal: Withdraw non-refundable advance from EPFO account in this COVID-19
All EPF Members are advised to file their e-NOMINATION at Member Interface of Unified Portal immediately. Further all EPF members are also advised to get basic KYC like Aadhaar and Bank account seeded to their UAN, so that they can avail online services from EPFO. Avoid physically filing a claim before Employer or to the EPF office during this COVID pandemic. Avoid physically coming to EPF office, instead make use of various online services provided by the Department.

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