Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN), the company that processes GST returns may put more GST related data related to geography and industry in the public domain, industry body Assocham said in a statement quoting chief executive of GSTN Manish Kumar Sinha.
A committee is deliberating on placing more data in the public domain which will provide more insights on geography and industry specific information based on GST data, the statement said quoting Sinha speaking at an event.
Granular data on GST will give insights into which are the geographic locations that are exporting, consuming and engaging in inter-state trade of different products and services. This could prove to be immensely useful to businesses in planning their operations and logistics arrangements. Academics and policy makers are also likely to benefit from such data.
Speaking at the event, CBIC Member (GST) Shashank Priya said the number of registered taxpayers now stands at around 1.40 crore from 67.83 lakhs when GST started.
“The GST law, which is completely home grown, has now stabilised. The GST law which appeared complex at the beginning is now understood well by both trade and officials,” the statement said quoting Priya.
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