On 4th August 2020, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) issued two notifications regarding announcement of Online home based CMA Foundation Examination, June, 2020 and merging of June, 2020 Intermediate and Final Examinations with December, 2020.
NOTIFICATION with Ref. No. G/128/1/8/2020
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India has decided to conduct Foundation Examination of June, 2020 in home based online mode due to pandemic Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) to ensure the interest of all the stakeholders and in particular the candidates/ students. All candidates/ students are encouraged to appear in the Foundation Examination of June, 2020 through online mode using mobile/laptop/ desktop/tab from their home.
Foundation Examination, June, 2020 – home based online mode rescheduled time-table and details are given below.
(Multiple Choice Questions – Online Mode examination from home)
Foundation Course Examination Syllabus-2016
Day & Date | Time 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon. Paper – 1 & 2 (200 Marks) | Time 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. Paper – 3 & 4 (200 Marks) |
Sunday, 6th September, 2020 | Paper – 1 : Fundamentals of Economics & Management (100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions) Paper – 2 : Fundamentals of Accounting (100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions) | Paper – 3 : Fundamentals of Laws & Ethics (100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions) Paper – 4 : Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistics (100 Marks 50 Multiple Choice Questions) |
1. The Foundation Examination will be conducted in M.C.Q Mode through online from home.
2. Each paper will carry 100 marks, 50 Multiple Choice Questions (Each Question will carry 2 Marks).
3. Each session will be a total of 100 Multiple Choice Questions of 200 marks.
4. All candidates/students are encouraged to appear in the Foundation Examination through online mode using mobile/laptop/desktop/tab from their home. However, if any candidate/student fails to appear in home based online examination, opt out fees adjustment will be done automatically for the next term of examination and no separate request is required.
5. Candidates/students are requested to appear in the Foundation Examination from their home only by logging within the time span given. Login credentials and URL link will be given in due time.
Read Also: ICAI: Illegal & Unauthorised use of acronym ICAI by Cost Accountants
6. It may be noted that if any candidate/student gets disconnected while taking the examination, they may login again to finish the rest of the examination.
7. A candidate/student who is completing all conditions for appearing in the examination as per Regulations will only be allowed to appear for the examination.
8. Probable date of publication of result will be announced in due course.
* The Candidates/students are advised to keep regularly in touch with the website of the Institute for further notifications and announcements relating to Foundation Examination, June 2020 and in case of any query or clarification can e-mail us at [email protected] .
NOTIFICATION with Ref. No. G/128/2/8/2020
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) announced the merging of June, 2020 Intermediate and Final Examinations with December, 2020.
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India has decided to cancel the rescheduled Intermediate and Final Examination of June, 2020 session to be held from 1st – 10th September, 2020 due to pandemic Novel Corona Virus (COVID- 19) to ensure the interest of all the stakeholders and in particular the candidates/ students and merge the June, 2020 examination with December, 2020 examinations, with due carryover of all relevant benefits already available to students including fee payment and subject wise exemption for the Intermediate and Final Examinations to be held in December, 2020.
The Intermediate and Final Examinations for the June, 2020 session which have been merged with the December, 2020 Examinations and the Intermediate and Final Examinations’ time table and programme details will be released separately on Institute’s website.
Examination form already submitted by the candidates/ students for the Intermediate and Final Examinations, June, 2020 session will remain same for the Intermediate and Final Examinations to be held in December, 2020. Candidates/students need not apply again.
Read Also: ICMAI Extended the last date of registration for December 2020 Exams
Candidates/students who have submitted examination form for the Intermediate and Final Examinations, June, 2020 session are allowed to add their Group with payment of differential examination fee for appearing in the Intermediate and Final Examinations to be held in December, 2020.
The candidates/students who have not enrolled for the Intermediate and Final Examinations, June, 2020 session may enrol afresh by submitting online examination form for December, 2020 term of examination.
The candidates/students are advised to keep regularly in touch with the website of the Institute for further notifications and announcements relating to December, 2020 Examinations and in case of any query or clarification can e-mail us at- [email protected].

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