Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) through the notification with Ref. No.: G/128/07/2020 dated 29th July 2020 has extended the last date of admission /registration /enrolment for CMA Foundation, Intermediate and Final Course Students for December 2020 term of Examinations.
The notification says “In pursuance of Regulation 20B of The Cost and Works Accountants Regulations, 1959, the last date for registration/admission/enrolment to Foundation, Intermediate and Final Course Students stands extended up to 10th August, 2020 (Monday) for December, 2020 term of examinations.”
The previous last date for registration with ICMAI for CMA Foundation, Intermediate and Final Course for December 2020 term was 31st July 2020.
Read Also: CMA Exams Postponed for June 2020 Term : ICMAI

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