Although we have a fair knowledge of TDS and TCS, let us recapitulate once about these before checking about its deposition and filing provisions relating to same. TDS stands for Tax Deduction Source whereas TCS stands for Tax collection source. TDS is aim to collect tax from the source of income for example – interest received on fixed deposit, but here deductor is liable to make the payment of the TDS deducted and file return of the same. Whereas, in case of Tax collected at source (TCS) is the tax is collected at the time of sale by and is payable by the seller, which he collects from the buyer at the time of sale.
Now, let’s go ahead and understand the provisions relating to filing of return of both TDS and TCS and due dates of the same.
Many of us get confused while handling TDS, generally at the time of deducting and filing date of the same.
Filing of TDS return and deducting the same can take place on different dates.
Read Also: Claim lower/nil TDS deduction- Form 15G, Form 15H and Form 13
Let us the provision regarding the deposition of TDS.
TDS Depositing Due Dates For FY 2021-22.
The date for depositing the TDS is different for
- Government officials
- Non – Government officials.
1.Government officials:
Here it is deducted about when tax is deducted by the office of the Government:
S. No. | Particulars | Due Date |
1. | Tax Deposited without Challan | Same Day |
2. | Tax Deposited with Challan | 7th of next month |
For example– Baba Tax’s TDS was deducted of Rs 1,000 by Government officials without challan on 2.05.20 in this case officials need to deposit the amount on 02.05.20 only
But if they would have deducted the same amount with challan then there due date would be 7th of next month that is 07.06.2020
2. Non – Government officials:
Here it is about the due dates relating to Non-Government Officals–
S. No. | Particulars | Due Date |
1. | TDS for the month of March 2021 | 30th April of Next Year |
2. | TDS for other months | 7th of next month |
Like in Government official’s case, date is based mainly with respect to challans, but as we can see the above table the dates for Non- Government officials’ dates are based on the date and month when TDS was deducted.
For more clarity, let see an example
Example- Baba Tax’s TDS was deducted of Rs 1,000 by by Non-Government officials on 2.05.20 in this case officials need to deposit the amount on 7th of next month that is 07.06.20.
But if they would have deducted the same amount on 02.03.20 then there due date would be 30.04.21 that means 30th april of next year.
Read Also: TDS rate chart applicable for FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23)
TCS Depositing Due Dates For FY 2021-22
Same as it was in the case of TDS; the dates are different in both the case of government and Non – Government officials.
1. Government:
Now here it’s discussed the due date when tax is deducted by the office of the Government:
S. No. | Particulars | Due Date |
1. | Tax Deposited without Challan | Same Day |
2. | Tax Deposited with Challan | 7th of next month |
This scenario can be understood easily with the example which we discussed earlier in case of Due date for TDS in case of Government officials.
2. Non – Government officials:
Again the dates of TCS is same as the date of TDS in case of Non- government officials that is 7th of next month, the difference is that in case of deposit in March the due date would be 7th April not 30th April.
As we have seen the due dates for depositing of TDS and TCS, Now let us see there due dates for filing of returns regarding the same.
Read Also: Income Tax, TDS and Advance Tax on Dividend Income
TDS Return Filing Due Dates For FY 2021-22
In case of filing the return we have to file quarterly not monthly, here we goes with the due dates.
Quarter | Particulars | Due Date |
1 | April to June | 31st July |
2 | July to September | 31st October |
3 | October to December | 31st January |
4 | January to March | 31st May |
TCS Return Filing Due Dates For FY 2021-22
Even in the case of TCS’s filing the return we have to file quarterly not monthly, here we goes with the due dates.
Quarter | Particulars | Due Date |
1 | April to June | 15th July |
2 | July to September | 15th October |
3 | October to December | 15th January |
4 | January to March | 15th May |

The author of the above article is Sneha Bhalotia.
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