The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Notification on CA Membership/ COP fee is as follows:
In continuation of our Fee Circular dated 25th June 2021 followed by email reminders dated 3rd September, 2021 and 9th September, 2021 requesting the members to pay Membership/ COP fee, which might have escaped your attention, may be, due to other engagement, the Institute reminds you to pay CA Membership/ COP fee latest by 30th September 2021.
Kindly appreciate that payment of annual Membership/COP fee entitles you for continuing benefits of ICAI privileges and standing seniority in the profession. Non-payment of Membership/COP fee within stipulated time may result in removal of Membership/COP and cessation of Practice.
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Members can also pay total fees in advance for Membership/COP in exact amount for 10 years (1+9 years) along with GST. In such case, due to revision of fees during the period, his/her name will not be removed from the register of Members on account of shortfall/revision of fees.
The applicable amount of Annual Membership Fee/Certificate of Practice Fee is as under:
1. Fees for Members below the age of 60 years as on 01.04.2021 – Not holding Certificate of Practice
Particular | Amount | Total |
Associate Membership Fee GST@ 18% | Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 270/- | Rs. 1,770/- |
Fellow Membership Fee GST@ 18% | Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 540/- | Rs. 3,540/- |
2. Fees for Members holding Certificate of Practice (COP)
Particular | Amount | Total |
Associate Membership Fee Certificate of Practice fee GST@ 18% | Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 810/- | Rs. 5,310/- |
Fellow Membership Fee Certificate of Practice fee GST@ 18% | Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 4,000/- Rs. 1,260/- | Rs. 8,260/- |
3.Fees for Members of the age of 60 years or above (as on 01.04.2021) and not holding Certificate of Practice {Those holding COP are required to pay the Fees as per 2 above}
Particular | Amount | Total |
Associate Membership Fee GST@ 18% | Rs. 1,100/- Rs. 198/- | Rs. 1,298/- |
Fellow Membership Fee GST@ 18% | Rs. 2,300/- Rs. 414/- | Rs. 2,714/- |
4. CA Journal Charges
Air Mail charges for CA Journal (in case of members abroad) – Rs. 2478/- (optional) including 18% GST (Shall not be applicable if member opts for e-journal)
Member opting e-journal will be given a discount of Rs.590/- (including 18% GST) on total Fee.
Please note that the payment of fee shall be made online through Self-Service Portal (SSP) at the link https://eservices.icai.org/
Kindly ignore if already paid.
We also appeal our members to contribute generously to Chartered Accountants Benevolent fund (CABF) to support their professional colleagues and their dependents in distress.

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