CA Results: The results of the Chartered Accountants Final Examination(Old Course & New Course) and Foundation Examination held in December 2021 are likely to be declared on Thursday, the 10th February, 2022(evening)/Friday, the 11th February, 2022 and the same can be accessed by candidates on the following websites:
- icaiexam.icai.org
- caresults.icai.org
- icai.nic.in
Arrangements have also been made for the candidates of Final Examination (Old course & New Course) and Foundation Examination desirous of having CA results on their e-mail addresses to register their requests at the website i.e. icaiexam.icai.org from 8th February 2022. All those registering their requests will be provided their results through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the result.
Read Also: CA exam timetable announced for May 2022 ICAI exams
In addition to above, it may be noted that for accessing the result at the above mentioned websites the candidate shall have to enter his/her registration no. or PIN no. along with his/her roll number.
The results of the following Post Qualification Course Examinations are likely to be declared on Thursday, the 10th February 2022 (evening)/Friday, the 11th February 2022 at the Institute’s office at New Delhi.
• Information Systems Audit [ISA] Assessment Test
• International Taxation Assessment Test
• Insurance & Risk Management
The results of the above mentioned examinations will be available on the Institute’s website www.icai.org.

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