Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) announced Reduction of fees for OC & ITT Courses for Foundation and Direct Entry students undergoing Virtual classes. The announcement is as follows-
In view of the ongoing spurt of COVID-19 virus pandemic and subsequent suspension of IT and Soft Skills Classes all across the country, the competent authority has decided that the students of Foundation and Direct Entry, as one time measure, can undergo OC & ITT Course through Virtual Mode and has further decided to implement the following:
- Reduction in Fees of Orientation Course (OC) and Information Technology Training (ITT) Course as one time measure (due to COVID-19) from Rs. 7000/- to Rs. 5000/- and from Rs. 6500 to Rs. 4500/- respectively for the students who will register and undergo the course through online mode.
Read Also: ICAI released FAQS on training, study material, validity of registration
- Refund of Rs. 2000 shall be given to the students who have registered in the portal by paying requisite fees and whose batch was not started in physical mode.
Read Also: CA Exams: ICAI released FAQs w.r.t May/ November 2020 Examinations
- The eligible refunds will be done on or before 45 days of this announcement.

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