The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has received 24,781 answers on the e-proceedings functionality, and over 40,000 ITRs are filed daily on the new I-T portal, according to the CBDT, which is addressing the technical issues with the new site on a war footing.
Users are reporting issues related to non-availability of Income Tax Return 3, 5, 6, and 7 and rectification functionality, issues in ITR filing, e-verification, or logging in to the portal in some cases, and corrective steps are being taken, according to an email sent to chartered accountants.
The corrective actions are being implemented based on feedback from taxpayers, tax professionals, and ICAI representatives in order to offer a smooth e-filing experience for taxpayers, according to the statement.
“The Department is continuously engaged with Infosys NSE -0.28 % to expedite the resolution of any pending issues and to make available all balance functionalities at the earliest,” the CBDT, which is the apex body on income tax matters, said.
Currently, about 8-10 lakh users are entering into the new portal, with 40,000 I-T Returns being filed on a daily basis, according to the report.
Read Also: Things to keep in mind while filing income tax return this year
“The portal received more than 62 lakh Aadhaar-PAN linkage requests, about 4.87 lakh e-PANs were issued and 1.32 lakh DSC registration have been completed. Thee-proceeding functionality has been deployed for tax payers for faceless assessment and 24,781 responses have been received from taxpayers with 1.42 Lakh attachments till July 10, 2021,” it said.
Several chartered accountants have raised concerns about technical issues with the new income tax portal’s operation, claiming that crucial features like as e-proceedings and digital signature certificates are still unavailable. In addition, some foreign companies have had difficulty logging into the platform.
Senior officials in the Ministry of Finance have monthly meetings and feedback sessions with team members from Infosys and other stakeholders such as the ICAI, according to the CBDT.
Any major issues are being addressed with vigour.
“Presently, users are reporting some issues related to non-availability of Income Tax Return 3, 5, 6 and 7 and rectification functionality, issues in ITR filing, e-verification or login to the portal in certain cases or technical issues in filing of certain statutory forms… The Department is also taking corrective measures based on feedback from taxpayers, tax professionals and representatives of ICAI to provide taxpayers with a smooth e-filing experience,” it said.
Many of the initial concerns that taxpayers had with the portal’s slowness, non-availability of features, or technical issues with functionality have been addressed, according to the CBDT.
Read Also: I-T department :The processing of income tax refunds is being delayed due to website issues

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